Saturday, October 9, 2021

Weekly browser binaries (20211009)

New build of Serpent/UXP for XP!

Test binary:

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here:

IA32 Win32

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here:

NM28XP build:
Win32 SSE

No official UXP changes since my last build.

No official Basilisk changes since my last build.

No official Pale-Moon changes since my last build.

My changes since my last build:
- import change from tenfourfox:
 - #648: M1663836 + update TLDs TZs (4821d63d2) (25114ddf5)

* Notice: From now on, UXP rev will point to `custom` branch of my UXP repo instead of now-dead MCP UXP repo, while "official UXP changes" shows only `tracking` branch changes. MCP Basilisk/Pale-Moon rev after datecode will be removed later.

New build of post-deprecated Serpent/moebius for XP!
* Notice: This repo will not be built on regular schedule, and changes are experimental as usual.
** Current moebius patch level should be on par with 52.9, but some security patches can not be applied/ported due to source milestone differences between versions.

Test binary:


Repo changes:
- import change from tenfourfox:
 - add inetloc and webloc to potentially executable extensions (7363964ad)
 - #648: M1663836 + update TLDs TZs HSTS (4821d63d2) (ff37858d8)

New build of Firefox 45ESR:

Test binary:



Changes since my last build:
- import change from tenfourfox:
 - add inetloc and webloc to potentially executable extensions (7363964ad)
 - #648: M1663836 + update TLDs TZs HSTS (4821d63d2) (fc416f456)

New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit SSE
32bit noSSE


source repo:

repo changes since my last build:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1180500 - Update web-platform-tests expected data to revision 87398b8448f699e3e324148795891658f2fa16dd, a=testonly (b8306d55a)
 - Bug 1180500 - Disable several unstable web-platform-tests tests, a=testonly (022b078ae)
 - Bug 1169334 - Fix missing braces in Java thread profile; r=mstange (c53f8fbbf)
 - Bug 1172157 - Save malformed profile JSON to file to help debug. (r=BenWa) (b63d41fb1)
 - Bug 1167895 - Escape JS engine SPS profile strings to UTF8 properly. (r=djvj) (53d61099c)
 - Bug 1168265 - Clean up ChunkedJSONWriteFunc. (r=mstange) (fe9fd26fd)
 - Bug 1171240 - Avoid copies when splicing inside ProfileJSONWriter. (r=mstange) (dd9640548)
 - Bug 1194131 - Update web-platform-tests expected data to revision b54dddfdcc4761d2f8a892fd783d60353949992d, a=testonly (1b755f73d) (683a3a074)
- import change from tenfourfox:
 - add inetloc and webloc to potentially executable extensions (7363964ad)
 - #648: M1663836 + update TLDs TZs HSTS (4821d63d2) (da1635889)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1204422 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Make more MacroAssembler functions can be shared. r=arai (80c0d8b68)
 - Bug 774364 - Part 3: Move Math.random() to macro assembler. r=sstang,hev,nbp, f=rankov (fd583477e)
 - Bug 1190454 part 1 - PCCounts use uint64_t instead of a double to count the number of hits. r=evilpie (296eb512b)
 - Bug 1190454 part 2 - Only compute code coverage of jump targets. r=bhackett (1ba5bb320)
 - Bug 1190454 part 3 - PCCounts: Collect throw/catch hit counts. r=bhackett (bde4a31b6)
 - Bug 1190454 part 0 - Remove unnecessary use of AppendArrayJSONMProperties. r=bhackett (de089baf9)
 - Bug 1189112 - Part 1: Use TraceableVector to simplify tracing of ScriptsAndCountsVector; r=nbp (79f881588)
 - Bug 1189112 - Part 2: simplify rooting of ScriptsAndCountsVector with PersistentRooted; r=nbp (1b76e8e46)
 - Bug 1193032 - Part 1: Rename GCRuntime::sliceBudget to defaultTimeBudget; r=jonco (42b59d6b4)
 - Bug 1193032 - Part 2: Make unlimited SliceBudget initialization explicit; r=ehoogeveen,r=mccr8 (76229de4a)
 - Bug 1164294 - Implement a linear-time ephemeron marking algorithm, r=terrence, r=jonco (60d4a6791)
 - Bug 1190454 part 4 - Use mozilla::Vector in js::ScriptCounts. r=bhackett (dda4cd822)
 - Bug 1190454 part 5 - Update GetPCCountJSON to consider jumpTargets and Throws. r=bhackett (ab0f0d6c4)
 - Bug 1140059 - Stop leaking mThreadNameFilters in the profiler. (r=mstange) (eaf075fd4)
 -  Bug 1191289 part 1 - Add a JSFriendApi function to produce LCOV information about the current compartment. r=bhackett (c321eebfa) (fae40c10f)

New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 2131e4376...fae40c10f:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1180500 - Update web-platform-tests expected data to revision 87398b8448f699e3e324148795891658f2fa16dd, a=testonly (b8306d55a)
 - Bug 1180500 - Disable several unstable web-platform-tests tests, a=testonly (022b078ae)
 - Bug 1169334 - Fix missing braces in Java thread profile; r=mstange (c53f8fbbf)
 - Bug 1172157 - Save malformed profile JSON to file to help debug. (r=BenWa) (b63d41fb1)
 - Bug 1167895 - Escape JS engine SPS profile strings to UTF8 properly. (r=djvj) (53d61099c)
 - Bug 1168265 - Clean up ChunkedJSONWriteFunc. (r=mstange) (fe9fd26fd)
 - Bug 1171240 - Avoid copies when splicing inside ProfileJSONWriter. (r=mstange) (dd9640548)
 - Bug 1194131 - Update web-platform-tests expected data to revision b54dddfdcc4761d2f8a892fd783d60353949992d, a=testonly (1b755f73d) (683a3a074)
- import change from tenfourfox:
 - add inetloc and webloc to potentially executable extensions (7363964ad)
 - #648: M1663836 + update TLDs TZs HSTS (4821d63d2) (da1635889)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1204422 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Make more MacroAssembler functions can be shared. r=arai (80c0d8b68)
 - Bug 774364 - Part 3: Move Math.random() to macro assembler. r=sstang,hev,nbp, f=rankov (fd583477e)
 - Bug 1190454 part 1 - PCCounts use uint64_t instead of a double to count the number of hits. r=evilpie (296eb512b)
 - Bug 1190454 part 2 - Only compute code coverage of jump targets. r=bhackett (1ba5bb320)
 - Bug 1190454 part 3 - PCCounts: Collect throw/catch hit counts. r=bhackett (bde4a31b6)
 - Bug 1190454 part 0 - Remove unnecessary use of AppendArrayJSONMProperties. r=bhackett (de089baf9)
 - Bug 1189112 - Part 1: Use TraceableVector to simplify tracing of ScriptsAndCountsVector; r=nbp (79f881588)
 - Bug 1189112 - Part 2: simplify rooting of ScriptsAndCountsVector with PersistentRooted; r=nbp (1b76e8e46)
 - Bug 1193032 - Part 1: Rename GCRuntime::sliceBudget to defaultTimeBudget; r=jonco (42b59d6b4)
 - Bug 1193032 - Part 2: Make unlimited SliceBudget initialization explicit; r=ehoogeveen,r=mccr8 (76229de4a)
 - Bug 1164294 - Implement a linear-time ephemeron marking algorithm, r=terrence, r=jonco (60d4a6791)
 - Bug 1190454 part 4 - Use mozilla::Vector in js::ScriptCounts. r=bhackett (dda4cd822)
 - Bug 1190454 part 5 - Update GetPCCountJSON to consider jumpTargets and Throws. r=bhackett (ab0f0d6c4)
 - Bug 1140059 - Stop leaking mThreadNameFilters in the profiler. (r=mstange) (eaf075fd4)
 -  Bug 1191289 part 1 - Add a JSFriendApi function to produce LCOV information about the current compartment. r=bhackett (c321eebfa) (fae40c10f)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here:


  1. what's the difference between NM27 and 28?

    1. different base engine, NM27 is older Firefox 38 based, while NM28 is UXP(i.e. Firefox 52) based.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
