Sunday, September 13, 2020

Weekly browser binaries (20200912)

New build of Serpent/UXP for XP!

Test binary:

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here:

IA32 Win32

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here:

NM28XP build:

Official UXP changes since my last build:
- Issue #618 - Add JS API to associate scripts with DOM elements after compilation (22f300f7c)
- Issue #618 - Implement preloading of module scripts. (92ef20627)
- Revert "Issue #618 - Add JS API to associate scripts with DOM elements after compilation" (e4fb3f48a)
- Issue #1644 - Remove plugin checking code leftovers (9440be0ae)
- Issue #1639 - Implement object.fromEntries() (1154e4884)
- Issue #618 - Make ES6 modules work for resource: URIs (8e5d9da5e)
- Issue #618 - Clear the module map when changing a Document's global and add release build assertions for mismatching compartments. (df55ce903)
- Merge branch 'es-modules-work' (b55d425b3)

Official Basilisk changes since my last build:
- Update back-end branch pointer. (72c45cb)

Official Pale-Moon changes since my last build:
- Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1644 - Remove plugin check leftovers (front-end) (24a06c474)
- Issue #1717 - Add distinct mixed-mode indicator and logic for display. (2771b99fc)

New build of BOC/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
MailNews Win32
BNavigator Win32

source repo (excluding UXP):

* Notice: the profile prefix (i.e. parent folder names) are also changed since 2020-08-15 build, you may rename their names before using new binaries when updating from builds before 2020-08-15.


New build of HBL-UXP for XP!

Test binary:

New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit SSE
32bit noSSE


source repo:

repo changes since my last build:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1043863 - OpenedConnection.prototype.executeBeforeShutdown. r=mak (35dec49b1)
 - Bug 1157946 - Early return if aResponse.sources is undefined;r=fitzgen (c730d5693)
 - Bug 1157914 - Don't re-render the graphs until selection is done; r=jsantell (6af87a63b)
 - Bug 1160332 - Correctly check that the mouse is active in graphs to clean up rerender jank, a rebase error from 1157914. r=vp (7d761d64a)
 - Bug 1150011 - Fix GC hash table checks to work in release builds r=nbp (b7f1436a4)
 - Bug 996982 - Fix Debugger script delazification logic to account for relazified clones. (r=bz) (df51ca106)
 - Bug 1157963 - Don't delazify functions about to be finalized. (r=jimb) (a72665ff0)
 - Bug 1155618 - Fix some places where OOM errors are not reported to th…e context r=terrence (37a0f3a0b)
 - Bug 1069979 - Don't throw away timezone-strings with dots in Date() r=evilpie (9443f6175)
 - Bug 1160356 - Make Date.UTC conform to ES3-6 in converting *all* arguments to number before computing the return value. r=evilpie (f5d7c9fba)
 - Bug 1160356 - Reorganize the code for the Date function/constructor into three separate methods, to be more consistent with ES6's definition of it. Don't change the actual algorithm yet -- this is just code motion. r=evilpie (9f4ed070f)
 - Bug 1160356 - Make new Date(arg1, arg2, ...) conform to ES3-6 in converting *all* arguments to number before computing the return value. r=evilpie (92da1cef7)
 - pointer style (d43325489)
 - Bug 1160535 part 1 - Give JSFunction its own AllocKind. r=terrence (952baab50)
 - Bug 1160535 part 2 - Do function relazification as part of a new GC phase instead of during marking. r=terrence (3fa0357e6)
 - Bug 1160535 part 3 - Make the LazyScript -> JSScript pointer weak. r=jonco,terrence (cf1276e6a)
 - Bug 1160535 part 4 - Remove an assert in XDRInterpretedFunction that's now bogus. r=nbp (8220d24b0)
 - Bug 1160535 part 5 - Remove the now bogus !maybeScript check in CreateLazyScriptsForCompartment. r=shu (f833671cd)
 - Bug 1163091 - Handle unboxed arrays in jsarray.cpp fast paths, r=jandem. (daaa46019)
 - reapply (better) to jsarray.cpp Bug 1389974 Fix False positive rooting (bf526deb2)
 - Bug 1165904 - Don't call methods on null pointers to fix some -fsanitize=null errors. r=terrence (0d48886e6)
 - Bug 1162622 - Check fewer traced things as it's too slow to check all edges; r=sfink (0cd9b9634)
 - Bug 1162296 - Use generic value traversal when scanning unboxed memory; r=jonco (57904891a)
 - Bug 1162590 - Change the name of the 2-arg traverse to traverseEdge; r=sfink (fd4d9fe3c)
 - Bug 1150639 - Use a stricter off-thread check in triggerZoneGC; r=bhackett (fad3ddb51)
 - Bug 1149752 - Cancel GC caused by user inactivity if the user becomes active again r=terrence r=smaug (43129e9ec)
 - Bug 1154441 - imported patch budget, r=terrence (b3cbb9a23)
 - pointer style (8cc66c5eb)
 - pointer style (dc3509b86)
 - Bug 1155455 - Relax assertion to take account of breakpoints added during incremental sweeping r=terrence (8a70639be)
 - Bug 1150253 - Part 1: SpiderMonkey should call an embedder-provided callback (57af26988)
 - Bug 1137536, part 3 - Move the top level DeferredFinalize functions into their own file. r=smaug (ff9931f27)
 - Bug 1150253 - Part 2: Gecko should provide a callback for SpiderMonkey to enqueue the onGarbageCollection hook runnable; r=mccr8 (80006d63b)
 - Bug 1150253 - Part 3: Migrate onGarbageCollection tests; r=sfink --HG-- rename : js/src/jit-test/tests/debug/Memory-onGarbageCollection-04.js => js/xpconnect/tests/unit/test_onGarbageCollection-04.js (4e55ef74e)
 - Bug 1160567 - Assert that object derived types are not exposed in the API; r=jonco (f45b01740)
 - Bug 1160163 - Refactor arena decommit so we don't have to pass dummy thing kind to allocateArena() r=terrence (11bf82efb)
 - Bug 1157382 - Fix possible data race caused by accessing the mark bits of cells in another runtime r=terrence (ed6e851d0)
 - Bug 1163059 - Add a more convenient wrapper for isAtomsZone; r=sfink (7f2c4352a)
 - Bug 1163790 - Part 1: Share unboxed trace list traversal between tenuring and marking; r=bhackett (be44e89d3)
 - pointer style (ab055fdfa)
 - Bug 1163790 - Part 2: Share inlined Class tracing between marking and tenuring; r=bhackett (8af0179a9)
 - poitner style and whitespace cleanup (7e2c17317)
 - Bug 891107 - Part 1: Show information about value, type, function, and argument number in type conversion error messages in js-ctypes. r=jorendorff (2e461d5d3)
 - Bug 1143281 - Check argument type in StructType.prototype.addressOfField. r=jorendorff (2d218c368)
 - Bug 891107 - Part 2: Report argument length error as TypeError in js-ctypes. r=jorendorff (0e2fa7f9a)
 - Bug 891107 - Part 3: Report argument type error as TypeError in js-ctypes. r=jorendorff (19d4604da)
 - Bug 987514, part 1 - Move the contents of jsreflect.h into the sole file that includes it (jsreflect.cpp). No change in behavior. r=Waldo. (b5d7dd976)
 - pointer style (949c6d6b9)
 - Bug 1157415 - Tweak XPConnect stack size for 32bit Windows. (r=bholley) (59a75dcbf)
 - Bug 1158223 - Tweak XPConnect stack size on 64bit Windows. (r=bholley) (e6ccaf2a9)
 - No bug - Bump the Windows stack frame size. r=shu (3fcdcb6d1)
 - Bug 1010556 - Bump ASAN kTrustedScriptBuffer constant, to account for the new frame size. r=bholley (3b9ae31f6)
 - Bug 1067610 - Refactor backtracking allocator to handle grouped registers better, r=sunfish. (a4ea2aa7e)
 - Bug 1167815 - Switch toMoveOperand to pass by value. r=bhackett (0156abb47)
 - pointer style (0ebc66f85)
 - Bug 1168807 - Move MacroAssemblerSpecific::framePushed_ fields to the generic MacroAssembler. r=jandem (28caaac48)
 -  Bug 1168750 - SharedStubs: (part1) Rename BaselineRegisters.h and BaselineHelpers.h, r=jandem (ac876a39d)
 - Bug 1155618 - Report allocation failure to context for baseline ICStubs r=jandem (04ef0592b)
 - Bug 1157231 - Optimize calls to own property setters. r=efaust (734e9a9ff)
 - Bug 1141865 - Part 1: Make two ICCall_Fallback, one for constructing invocations. (r=jandem) (707c2db57)
 - pointer style (f73948d66)
 - Bug 1157624: A few AsmJSValidate cleanups; r=luke (1f801ed0d)
 - Bug 1157624: Remove asm.js ternary optimizations and activate the FoldTest optimization pass for asm.js; r=luke (3be4020ca)
 - Bug 1157624: A few free asm.js tests; r=luke (63a07c8c8)
 - Bug 1155211 - SIMD: rename lane mutators - load/store. r=bbouvier (e0ded7107)
 - Bug 1147403 part 1 - Move Sprinter into its own header and add a FILE & LifoAlloc variants. r=h4writer (2d80c984b)
 - pointer style (b2dffa01f)
 - Bug 1159899: IonMonkey: Fix folding of ~~x, r=nbp (f77eae89d)
 - Bug 1154971 - ValueNumbering: Skip finding the leader if the simplified instruction existed before the simplification. r=sunfish (59262ac7f)
 - coding style and reshuffle (6b9ad2920)
 - Bug 1147403 part 2 - IonMonkey: Use GenericPrinter& instead of FILE* for *::dump functions. r=h4writer (a7f0e88fb)
 - pointer style (62208cb4e)
 - Bug 979094 - Fix ending location of variable declaration. r=jimb (af438060c)
 - Bug 748550 - Remove support for |for (... = ... in/of ...)| now that ES6 has removed it. r=jorendorff (23683a4c8)
 - Bug 1155472 - Reorder the various statement items in Parser::statement to correspond to the ordering in the Statement grammar production. r=efaust (d828017c1)
 - Bug 1151931 - Part 1: Avoid warning about unreachable code after return statement in some asm.js tests. r=Waldo (ab85fb859)
 - Bug 1153656 - Test class only if available in semicolon-less-return.js. r=efaust (0b0e6bbc6)
 - Bug 1151931 - Part 2: Warn about unreachable code after return statement. r=Waldo (a2ec0aa5f)
 - Bug 1158547 - Removes the useless declaration in Parser.cpp. r=jorendorff (9ac67193b)
 - pointer style (f72b5c598)
 - Bug 1155472 - Add the ES6 grammar parametrization to all the Parser methods, so that the permissibility of |in|, |yield| as keyword, &c. is specified directly, not by inspecting instantaneous statefulness. Don't change the statefulness yet, tho -- stop relying on it (where appropriate) in a later patch. r=efaust (589e7d8c1) (500383702)

New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 7606140ee..500383702:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1043863 - OpenedConnection.prototype.executeBeforeShutdown. r=mak (35dec49b1)
 - Bug 1157946 - Early return if aResponse.sources is undefined;r=fitzgen (c730d5693)
 - Bug 1157914 - Don't re-render the graphs until selection is done; r=jsantell (6af87a63b)
 - Bug 1160332 - Correctly check that the mouse is active in graphs to clean up rerender jank, a rebase error from 1157914. r=vp (7d761d64a)
 - Bug 1150011 - Fix GC hash table checks to work in release builds r=nbp (b7f1436a4)
 - Bug 996982 - Fix Debugger script delazification logic to account for relazified clones. (r=bz) (df51ca106)
 - Bug 1157963 - Don't delazify functions about to be finalized. (r=jimb) (a72665ff0)
 - Bug 1155618 - Fix some places where OOM errors are not reported to th…e context r=terrence (37a0f3a0b)
 - Bug 1069979 - Don't throw away timezone-strings with dots in Date() r=evilpie (9443f6175)
 - Bug 1160356 - Make Date.UTC conform to ES3-6 in converting *all* arguments to number before computing the return value. r=evilpie (f5d7c9fba)
 - Bug 1160356 - Reorganize the code for the Date function/constructor into three separate methods, to be more consistent with ES6's definition of it. Don't change the actual algorithm yet -- this is just code motion. r=evilpie (9f4ed070f)
 - Bug 1160356 - Make new Date(arg1, arg2, ...) conform to ES3-6 in converting *all* arguments to number before computing the return value. r=evilpie (92da1cef7)
 - pointer style (d43325489)
 - Bug 1160535 part 1 - Give JSFunction its own AllocKind. r=terrence (952baab50)
 - Bug 1160535 part 2 - Do function relazification as part of a new GC phase instead of during marking. r=terrence (3fa0357e6)
 - Bug 1160535 part 3 - Make the LazyScript -> JSScript pointer weak. r=jonco,terrence (cf1276e6a)
 - Bug 1160535 part 4 - Remove an assert in XDRInterpretedFunction that's now bogus. r=nbp (8220d24b0)
 - Bug 1160535 part 5 - Remove the now bogus !maybeScript check in CreateLazyScriptsForCompartment. r=shu (f833671cd)
 - Bug 1163091 - Handle unboxed arrays in jsarray.cpp fast paths, r=jandem. (daaa46019)
 - reapply (better) to jsarray.cpp Bug 1389974 Fix False positive rooting (bf526deb2)
 - Bug 1165904 - Don't call methods on null pointers to fix some -fsanitize=null errors. r=terrence (0d48886e6)
 - Bug 1162622 - Check fewer traced things as it's too slow to check all edges; r=sfink (0cd9b9634)
 - Bug 1162296 - Use generic value traversal when scanning unboxed memory; r=jonco (57904891a)
 - Bug 1162590 - Change the name of the 2-arg traverse to traverseEdge; r=sfink (fd4d9fe3c)
 - Bug 1150639 - Use a stricter off-thread check in triggerZoneGC; r=bhackett (fad3ddb51)
 - Bug 1149752 - Cancel GC caused by user inactivity if the user becomes active again r=terrence r=smaug (43129e9ec)
 - Bug 1154441 - imported patch budget, r=terrence (b3cbb9a23)
 - pointer style (8cc66c5eb)
 - pointer style (dc3509b86)
 - Bug 1155455 - Relax assertion to take account of breakpoints added during incremental sweeping r=terrence (8a70639be)
 - Bug 1150253 - Part 1: SpiderMonkey should call an embedder-provided callback (57af26988)
 - Bug 1137536, part 3 - Move the top level DeferredFinalize functions into their own file. r=smaug (ff9931f27)
 - Bug 1150253 - Part 2: Gecko should provide a callback for SpiderMonkey to enqueue the onGarbageCollection hook runnable; r=mccr8 (80006d63b)
 - Bug 1150253 - Part 3: Migrate onGarbageCollection tests; r=sfink --HG-- rename : js/src/jit-test/tests/debug/Memory-onGarbageCollection-04.js => js/xpconnect/tests/unit/test_onGarbageCollection-04.js (4e55ef74e)
 - Bug 1160567 - Assert that object derived types are not exposed in the API; r=jonco (f45b01740)
 - Bug 1160163 - Refactor arena decommit so we don't have to pass dummy thing kind to allocateArena() r=terrence (11bf82efb)
 - Bug 1157382 - Fix possible data race caused by accessing the mark bits of cells in another runtime r=terrence (ed6e851d0)
 - Bug 1163059 - Add a more convenient wrapper for isAtomsZone; r=sfink (7f2c4352a)
 - Bug 1163790 - Part 1: Share unboxed trace list traversal between tenuring and marking; r=bhackett (be44e89d3)
 - pointer style (ab055fdfa)
 - Bug 1163790 - Part 2: Share inlined Class tracing between marking and tenuring; r=bhackett (8af0179a9)
 - poitner style and whitespace cleanup (7e2c17317)
 - Bug 891107 - Part 1: Show information about value, type, function, and argument number in type conversion error messages in js-ctypes. r=jorendorff (2e461d5d3)
 - Bug 1143281 - Check argument type in StructType.prototype.addressOfField. r=jorendorff (2d218c368)
 - Bug 891107 - Part 2: Report argument length error as TypeError in js-ctypes. r=jorendorff (0e2fa7f9a)
 - Bug 891107 - Part 3: Report argument type error as TypeError in js-ctypes. r=jorendorff (19d4604da)
 - Bug 987514, part 1 - Move the contents of jsreflect.h into the sole file that includes it (jsreflect.cpp). No change in behavior. r=Waldo. (b5d7dd976)
 - pointer style (949c6d6b9)
 - Bug 1157415 - Tweak XPConnect stack size for 32bit Windows. (r=bholley) (59a75dcbf)
 - Bug 1158223 - Tweak XPConnect stack size on 64bit Windows. (r=bholley) (e6ccaf2a9)
 - No bug - Bump the Windows stack frame size. r=shu (3fcdcb6d1)
 - Bug 1010556 - Bump ASAN kTrustedScriptBuffer constant, to account for the new frame size. r=bholley (3b9ae31f6)
 - Bug 1067610 - Refactor backtracking allocator to handle grouped registers better, r=sunfish. (a4ea2aa7e)
 - Bug 1167815 - Switch toMoveOperand to pass by value. r=bhackett (0156abb47)
 - pointer style (0ebc66f85)
 - Bug 1168807 - Move MacroAssemblerSpecific::framePushed_ fields to the generic MacroAssembler. r=jandem (28caaac48)
 -  Bug 1168750 - SharedStubs: (part1) Rename BaselineRegisters.h and BaselineHelpers.h, r=jandem (ac876a39d)
 - Bug 1155618 - Report allocation failure to context for baseline ICStubs r=jandem (04ef0592b)
 - Bug 1157231 - Optimize calls to own property setters. r=efaust (734e9a9ff)
 - Bug 1141865 - Part 1: Make two ICCall_Fallback, one for constructing invocations. (r=jandem) (707c2db57)
 - pointer style (f73948d66)
 - Bug 1157624: A few AsmJSValidate cleanups; r=luke (1f801ed0d)
 - Bug 1157624: Remove asm.js ternary optimizations and activate the FoldTest optimization pass for asm.js; r=luke (3be4020ca)
 - Bug 1157624: A few free asm.js tests; r=luke (63a07c8c8)
 - Bug 1155211 - SIMD: rename lane mutators - load/store. r=bbouvier (e0ded7107)
 - Bug 1147403 part 1 - Move Sprinter into its own header and add a FILE & LifoAlloc variants. r=h4writer (2d80c984b)
 - pointer style (b2dffa01f)
 - Bug 1159899: IonMonkey: Fix folding of ~~x, r=nbp (f77eae89d)
 - Bug 1154971 - ValueNumbering: Skip finding the leader if the simplified instruction existed before the simplification. r=sunfish (59262ac7f)
 - coding style and reshuffle (6b9ad2920)
 - Bug 1147403 part 2 - IonMonkey: Use GenericPrinter& instead of FILE* for *::dump functions. r=h4writer (a7f0e88fb)
 - pointer style (62208cb4e)
 - Bug 979094 - Fix ending location of variable declaration. r=jimb (af438060c)
 - Bug 748550 - Remove support for |for (... = ... in/of ...)| now that ES6 has removed it. r=jorendorff (23683a4c8)
 - Bug 1155472 - Reorder the various statement items in Parser::statement to correspond to the ordering in the Statement grammar production. r=efaust (d828017c1)
 - Bug 1151931 - Part 1: Avoid warning about unreachable code after return statement in some asm.js tests. r=Waldo (ab85fb859)
 - Bug 1153656 - Test class only if available in semicolon-less-return.js. r=efaust (0b0e6bbc6)
 - Bug 1151931 - Part 2: Warn about unreachable code after return statement. r=Waldo (a2ec0aa5f)
 - Bug 1158547 - Removes the useless declaration in Parser.cpp. r=jorendorff (9ac67193b)
 - pointer style (f72b5c598)
 - Bug 1155472 - Add the ES6 grammar parametrization to all the Parser methods, so that the permissibility of |in|, |yield| as keyword, &c. is specified directly, not by inspecting instantaneous statefulness. Don't change the statefulness yet, tho -- stop relying on it (where appropriate) in a later patch. r=efaust (589e7d8c1) (500383702)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here:

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