New build of Serpent/UXP for XP!
Test binary:
source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here:
source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here:
NM28XP build:
Win32 IA32
Win32 SSE
Win7+ x64 AVX2
Official UXP changes picked since my last build:
- No issue - fix some minor link issues in about:rights (8535573f07)
- No Issue - Make nsCSPService cancel the channel if a redirect is blocked by CSP (a2c6127832)
- Explicitly use javascript: instead of URI_INHERITS_SECURITY_CONTEXT within subjectToCSP() (#2696) (c318657acd)
- Issue #2692 - Part 1: Split out JS CompileOptions to its own header. (9436bfa175)
- Issue #2692 - Part 2: Split out JS SourceBufferHolder to its own header. (565fb4b05a)
- Issue #2692 - Part 3: Split out JS compiled script transcoding to its own header. (eca185aa79)
- Issue #2692 - Part 4: Split out off-thread compilation API to its own header. (307621db50)
- Issue #2692 - Part 5: Split out compilation and evaluation APIs into its own header. (40ed1b10f4)
- Issue #2692 - Part 6: Don't #include js/SourceBufferHolder.h in jsapi.h. (2e4620b5af)
- Issue #2692 - Part 7: De-globalize {*}CompileOptions. (5fd304507d)
- No Issue - Stop warning if a network request failed. (d9c27beb51)
- Issue #2697 - Part 1: Import libjxl 0.11.1 files to the tree. (845db2526f)
- Issue #2697 - Part 2: Update libjxl build files. (1152a6f41d)
- Issue #2697 - Part 3: Disable JXL_DEC_BOX informative events. (26bbf20c1d)
- Issue #2697 - Part 4: Update README and remove upstream merged patch. (6fc884334f)
No official Pale-Moon changes picked since my last build.
No official Basilisk changes picked since my last build.
My changes since my last build:
- libjxl: exclude terse static assert from building (f428ae64da)
Update Notice:
- You may delete file named icudt*.dat inside program folder when updating from old releases.
* Notice: From now on, UXP rev will point to `custom` branch of my UXP repo instead of MCP UXP repo, while "official UXP changes" shows only `tracking` branch changes.
New build of BOC/UXP for XP!
Test binary:
MailNews Win32
BNavigator Win32
source repo (excluding UXP):
* Notice: the profile prefix (i.e. parent folder names) are also changed since 2020-08-15 build, you may rename their names before using new binaries when updating from builds before 2020-08-15.
New build of HBL-UXP for XP!
Test binary:
source repo (excluding UXP):
New build of post-deprecated Serpent/moebius for XP!
* Notice: This repo will not be built on regular schedule, and changes are experimental as usual.
** Current moebius patch level should be on par with 52.9, but some
security patches can not be applied/ported due to source milestone
differences between versions.
Test binary:
Repo changes:
- ported from UXP: No issue - fix some minor link issues in about:rights (8535573f) (e3671fca4)
- import from UXP: No Issue - Make nsCSPService cancel the channel if a redirect is blocked by CSP (a2c61278) (c7508db43)
- js: remove forEachStatementOption (a959769cf)
- import from UXP: Issue #2692 - Part 1: Split out JS CompileOptions to its own header. (9436bfa1) (02c52cd66)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2692 - Part 2: Split out JS SourceBufferHolder to its own header. (565fb4b0) (6eb265981)
- import from UXP: Issue #2692 - Part 3: Split out JS compiled script transcoding to its own header. (eca185aa) (7bb4bf963)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2692 - Part 4: Split out off-thread compilation API to its own header. (307621db) (206a81c51)
- import from UXP: Issue #2692 - Part 5: Split out compilation and evaluation APIs into its own header. (40ed1b10) (9e41abaf6)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2692 - Part 6: Don't #include js/SourceBufferHolder.h in jsapi.h. (2e4620b5) (654dda938)
- import from UXP: Issue #2692 - Part 7: De-globalize {*}CompileOptions. (5fd30450) (3a27e3fdd)
- import from UXP: Issue #2697 - Part 1: Import libjxl 0.11.1 files to the tree. (845db252) (3929d8553)
- import from UXP: Issue #2697 - Part 2: Update libjxl build files. (1152a6f4) (c726d8736)
- import from UXP: Issue #2697 - Part 3: Disable JXL_DEC_BOX informative events. (26bbf20c) (39eef83aa)
- import from UXP: Issue #2697 - Part 4: Update README and remove upstream merged patch. (6fc88433) (2cab0774a)
- import from `custom` branch of UXP: libjxl: exclude terse static assert from building (f428ae64) (623d34797)